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So are we. We love taking on tough challenges, disrupting the status quo, and creating what\u2019s next. We\u2019re in search of talented people who are inspired by big challenges, driven to learn and grow, and dedicated to making a meaningful difference.</p><p>HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world united in creating technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere.</p><p>Our history: HP\u2019s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion \u2013 it\u2019s just who we are. From the boardroom to factory floor, we create a culture where everyone is respected and where people can be themselves, while being a part of something bigger than themselves. We celebrate the notion that you can belong at HP and bring your authentic self to work each and every day. When you do that, you\u2019re more innovative and that helps grow our bottom line. Come to HP and thrive!</p>"}, "customContent": {"positionSections": [{"title": "About HP", "body": "<p>You\u2019re out to reimagine and reinvent what\u2019s possible\u2014in your career as well as the world around you. So are we. We love taking on tough challenges, disrupting the status quo, and creating what\u2019s next. We\u2019re in search of talented people who are inspired by big challenges, driven to learn and grow, and dedicated to making a meaningful difference.</p><p>HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world united in creating technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere.</p><p>Our history: HP\u2019s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion \u2013 it\u2019s just who we are. From the boardroom to factory floor, we create a culture where everyone is respected and where people can be themselves, while being a part of something bigger than themselves. We celebrate the notion that you can belong at HP and bring your authentic self to work each and every day. When you do that, you\u2019re more innovative and that helps grow our bottom line. Come to HP and thrive!</p>"}]}, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "companyName": "HP", "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": false, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 26906212, "name": "Senior Director, Platform Engineering", "location": "Vancouver, Washington, United States of America", "locations": ["Vancouver, Washington, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software", "business_unit": "Software Engineering", "t_update": 1737590400, "t_create": 1737590400, "ats_job_id": "3146777", "display_job_id": "3146777", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3146777-fr-CA", "job_description": "Define and execute the vision, strategy, and roadmap for platform engineering to align with business objectives. Stay informed of industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices to ensure the platform remains competitive and compliant. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field. A Master's degree is preferred. 10+ years of experience in software or platform engineering, with at least 5 years in a leadership role. Proven expertise in designing and scaling cloud-based platforms. Strong understanding of microservices, API management, containerization and serverless architectures. Strong architectural abilities towards building a wholistic developer experience Experience in implementing and scaling test automation frameworks for enterprise platforms. Demonstrated expertise in application performance monitoring (APM), performance testing, and optimization. Track record of delivering enterprise-grade solutions with high availability and security requirements. Collaborate with software engineering, product management, Operations, and DevOps teams to design and implement API-driven architectures, microservices, and cloud-native solutions. Implement and leverage various AI platforms/tools to accelerate software engineering teams with code and test execution. Establish metrics and processes to measure, monitor, and optimize application performance and user experience. Ensure proactive identification, notification, and resolution of performance bottlenecks, system inefficiencies, and incidents. Ensure adherence to compliance requirements and relevant regulatory standards. Implement robust security measures, monitoring, and incident response processes.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/26906212", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26915330, "name": "Data Platforms Engineering Expert", "location": "Ness Ziona, Center District, Israel", "locations": ["Ness Ziona, Center District, Israel"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software", "business_unit": "Software Engineering", "t_update": 1734307200, "t_create": 1734307200, "ats_job_id": "3145794", "display_job_id": "3145794", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3145794-fr-CA", "job_description": "Lead the design and implementation of the Data NextGen Platform Architecture, leveraging modern technologies and best practices. Build scalable data pipelines to integrate and model datasets from different sources that meet functional and non-functional requirements. Evaluate and recommend technologies, tools, and frameworks to support our organization's data needs. Manage the technical backlog on the Data NextGen Platform. Work with data infrastructure team to implement architecture aspects, investigate infrastructure issues and drive to resolution. Collaborate with data scientists, analysts, and business stakeholders to understand data requirements and design appropriate solutions. Drive automation initiatives to streamline data platform deployment, configuration, and maintenance tasks. Help to grow our data team with exceptional engineers. Strong Programming Skills with Python/Scala (Java in addition is a plus). Solid engineering foundations (good coding practices, good architectural design skills). Experience building cloud-scalable, real-time and high-performance Data Lake solutions. Solid experience with Databricks Expert level Spark knowledge and experience In depth knowledge in Delta and all surrounding features (e.g. CDF, ACID and concurrency models for updates, federation with iceberg) Experience with Databricks features such as Autoloader and DLT Databricks Operational knowledge with Job clusters optimization, monitoring and control (e.g. auto-recovery of failed jobs) 3+ years of experience with large-scale data engineering 2+ years of solid experience with developing solutions within Cloud Services (Azure, AWS, GCP) Experience in data streams processing technologies including Kafka, Spark Streaming, etc. Experience with ETL tools (e.g. Rivery, Fivetran, Stich), Pipelines (e.g. DBT, Airflow), Reverse ETL Experience with data migrations and data warehousing. Experience working with SQL in advanced scenarios that require heavy optimization. Experience or knowledge in AI/ML/MLOps/LLM - plus Certifications (Cloud / Databricks / Others) - big plus Excellent communication and people skills. Team player, positive, likes to dream big and fulfill dreams all at the same time.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/26915330", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26203557, "name": "Engineering Manager", "location": "Bangalore, Karnataka, India", "locations": ["Bangalore, Karnataka, India"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software", "business_unit": "Software Engineering", "t_update": 1731974400, "t_create": 1731974400, "ats_job_id": "3143936", "display_job_id": "3143936", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3143936-fr-CA", "job_description": "Leads the building of various software engineering projects and platforms while aligning them with business and security strategies and requirements. Builds standards, designs, and automates the deployment of software. Leads portions of the planning and execution of multiple complex projects or programs in support of the continuing evolution of the organization's software products. Partners with cross-functional software development teams to help them prioritize, plan, track and execute complex, cross organizational programs. Acts as a SME for software engineering practice to build high-quality software and drives continuous improvements through the processes, technology, and people. Manages several business operations functions such as governance, client engineering & operations, DevOps, communications, and project management as well as leading the strategic initiatives around the deployment. Assists senior leaderships in setting the KPIs/goals, budget for the team, and is responsible for performance management of the team. Contributes to critical R&D software development projects that help the company innovate the technology. Strategically partners with stakeholders to understand needs and priorities. Translates functional plans into operational processes and guides execution. Complexity Uses managerial concepts and company objectives to resolve issues in creative and effective ways. Disclaimer This job description describes the general nature and level of work performed in this role. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties, skills, responsibilities, knowledge, etc. These may be subject to change and additional functions may be assigned as needed by management. Job - Software Schedule - Full time Four-year or Graduate Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, or any other related discipline or commensurate work experience or demonstrated competence. Typically has 7-10 years of job-related experience or 5-7 years of management experience, preferably in software designing & development, software architecture, programming languages, or a related field. Programming Language/s Certification (NodeJS, React JS,Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, or similar) Agile Methodology Amazon Web Services Application Programming Interface (API) Automation C++ (Programming Language) Computer Science DevOps Docker (Software) Full Stack Development GoLang, NodeJS, Java (Programming Language) JavaScript (Programming Language) Kubernetes Microservices Microsoft Azure Python (Programming Language) React.js Scalability Software Development Software Engineering SQL (Programming Language) Customer Centricity Prioritization Resilience", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/26203557", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26755992, "name": "Expert Software Engineer", "location": "Boise, Idaho, United States of America", "locations": ["Boise, Idaho, United States of America", "Spring, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software", "business_unit": "Software Engineering", "t_update": 1734652800, "t_create": 1734652800, "ats_job_id": "3146064", "display_job_id": "3146064", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3146064-fr-CA", "job_description": "Builds and automates software deployment processes, ensuring the seamless integration of AI models (e.g., LLMs, SD, RL) into AI-powered PCs. Designs and develops solutions for managing and optimizing AI models and their performance within software products. Contributes to the creation of technology strategies, engineering roadmaps, and AI model integration plans. Executes proof of concepts for software engineering initiatives, focusing on AI and edge computing. Assists with documenting features, tracking project progress, and creating testing plans for AI model integration and software delivery. Collaborates with business stakeholders to define the technical specifications of new solutions, ensuring alignment with existing data architecture and AI model requirements. Communicates project status, user requirements, and technical challenges to user management, promoting productivity and satisfaction through clear and effective interactions. Provides technical leadership and support to external engineering vendors, overseeing testing and providing feedback to ensure high-quality model integration and software delivery. Assists in resource planning, cost estimation, and project scheduling to meet user requirements and deadlines. Proactively identifies and implements improvements to engineering practices, model deployment strategies, and service delivery, ensuring higher performance and scalability. Impacts multiple teams and cross-functional initiatives, contributing to AI model integration in production systems and enhancing software performance across the business. Complexity Handles complex technical challenges related to the integration and optimization of AI models in AI-powered PCs and software applications. Provides solutions to enhance overall system efficiency and business impact. Disclaimer This job description describes the general nature and level of work performed in this role. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties, skills, responsibilities, knowledge, etc. These may be subject to change and additional functions may be assigned as needed by management. The base pay range for this role is $130,350.00 to $200,750.00 annually with additional opportunities for pay in the form of bonus and/or equity (applies to US candidates only). Pay varies by work location, job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Four-year or Graduate Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, or a related discipline, or equivalent work experience. Typically has 7-10 years of industry experience, with substantial exposure to software design and development, AI model integration, and/or related fields in software engineering and AI. Strong experience in running and integrating AI models (e.g., LLMs, SD, RL, etc.) into software applications, with a focus on AI-powered PCs. Proficiency in tools for processing data, training, and fine-tuning AI models (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, PEFT). Experience with on-edge inference techniques (e.g., ONNX, OpenVINO, QNN, TensorFlow Lite, Libtorch) and deploying AI models in constrained environments. Fluency in at least two of the following programming languages: Python, C++, C#, C, Java, Scala. Knowledge of performance evaluation, optimization techniques, and memory management in the context of AI model integration and deployment. Familiarity with hardware acceleration techniques (e.g., GPU, NPU) and CPU platforms (AMD, Intel, ARM). Strong understanding of AI model integration, performance monitoring, and optimization in AI-powered systems. Results-driven with a focus on continuous improvement Advanced problem-solving and learning agility Digital Fluency and Customer-Centric mindset", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/26755992", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26219172, "name": "Solution Software Engineer", "location": "Austin, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Austin, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software", "business_unit": "Software Engineering", "t_update": 1733097600, "t_create": 1733097600, "ats_job_id": "3144228", "display_job_id": "3144228", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3144228-fr-CA", "job_description": "Plays a critical role in building of various software development projects and platforms while aligning them with business and security strategies and requirements. Leads the building of standards, designs, and automates the deployment of software. Designs and develops solutions that protect and manage software products and data. Drives technology strategy and engineering roadmaps around software engineering. Assists supervisors with project development, including documentation of features, recording of progress, and creation of the testing plan. Converts business concepts into the next generation of applications and tools, utilizing adaptive agile methodologies to deliver a minimal viable product to the business. Assists in scheduling, determining manpower requirements, and estimating costs to project completion in order to meet user requirements. Contributes innovative ideas and may lead large cross-functional teams, exercising independent judgment to solve unique and complex problems impacting the business. Acts as a functional manager within area of expertise, developing strategy and setting functional policy and direction. Impacts large functions and leads large, cross-division functional teams or projects. Complexity Provides highly innovative solutions to complex problems within established policy. Disclaimer This job description describes the general nature and level of work performed in this role. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties, skills, responsibilities, knowledge, etc. These may be subject to change and additional functions may be assigned as needed by management. Four-year or Graduate Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, or any other related discipline or commensurate work experience or demonstrated competence. Typically has 10+ years of work experience, preferably in software designing & development, software architecture, programming languages, or a related field. Programming Language/s Certification (Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, or similar) Agile Methodology Amazon Web Services Application Programming Interface (API) Automation C++ (Programming Language) Computer Science DevOps Docker (Software) Full Stack Development Java (Programming Language) JavaScript (Programming Language) Kubernetes Microservices Microsoft Azure Python (Programming Language) React.js Scalability Software Development Software Engineering SQL (Programming Language) Effective Communication Results Orientation Learning Agility Digital Fluency Customer Centricity", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/26219172", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25968911, "name": "Hardware Director Engineering", "location": "Bangalore, Karnataka, India", "locations": ["Bangalore, Karnataka, India"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "General Engineering", "t_update": 1730851200, "t_create": 1730851200, "ats_job_id": "3144092", "display_job_id": "3144092", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3144092-fr-CA", "job_description": "Proven experience in leading and managing teams. BS/MS in Electronics, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent industry experience. 18+ years of relevant experience in hardware systems, including client/desktop processors, server processors, mobile processors, video, multimedia, and accelerators, with a focus on system-level design and implementation across the product development lifecycle. Expertise in hardware system design solutions, with the ability to define and implement long-term hardware component strategies. Experience defining and driving team efforts for ID, mechanical design, PCB design interfaces, module subsystem design, and electrical solutions for personal systems (e.g., laptops, notebooks, detachable devices, tablets, PoS kiosks). Proficient in hardware debugging and optimization for PnP; experienced in collaborating across teams to triage and debug system issues across various functional modules. Own the HW compliance Product certification plan, execution internally and certification with the external certified agency Experience enabling new product designs with contract manufacturing partners, including resolving hardware design issues identified in production lines. Responsible for hardware development from inception through prototyping, enabling pilot lots, and mass manufacturing with contract manufacturing partners. Familiarity with products based on open-source development and software development for Linux/Android OS under open standards like OpenCL/OpenVX. Ability to work across multiple disciplines (hardware, firmware, software, or development toolchain) to identify risks, facilitate discussions, evaluate system trade-offs, and assess impacts. Knowledge of high-volume consumer products (handheld devices, mobile, laptops, desktops), including hardware design, development, support for large-volume manufacturing, and deployment. Experience with high-speed hardware interfaces, including CSI, UART, I2C, PCIe, USB, DDR, and HDMI. In-depth experience with hardware design and core SoC selection, driving hardware solutions. Familiarity with handheld devices and operations at scale. Experience managing programs through the entire product lifecycle. Strong verbal and written communication and presentation skills.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/25968911", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24815897, "name": "Software Internship -Workforce Services and Solutions", "location": "Spring, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Spring, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1724976000, "t_create": 1724976000, "ats_job_id": "3141434", "display_job_id": "3141434", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3141434-fr-CA", "job_description": "Software Internship -Workforce Services and Solutions Description - The following posting is a pipeline requisition, meant to accumulate candidates for 2025 Summer Internships. Qualified applicants will be contacted in concert with the approval and publication of identical, approved positions within HP, Inc. This opportunity is intended for conversion to a full-time role that will not offer work authorization sponsorship in the future (full-time conversion pending performance evaluation post internship and available headcount). Interested candidates must be currently eligible to work in the US AND must not require work authorization sponsorship in the future. HP, Inc. will not provide any assistance or sign documentation in support of immigration sponsorship including Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Optional Practical Training (OPT). Candidates who identify with a group that is historically underrepresented in the technology sector including by not limited to, African American, Latino, Native American, individuals with disabilities and Veterans are encouraged to apply. About Us Innovation is in HP's DNA. From our origins in a Palo Alto garage in 1939, to our current position as one of the world's leading technology companies, HP has grown to become a leader in technology and corporate culture, inspiring innovators, and entrepreneurs around the globe. HP brings together a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, and services to serve more than 1 billion customers in over 170 countries. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace that attracts exceptional talent and to supporting our employees to succeed at all levels. We dream in over 35 languages and share one mission: to engineer experiences that amaze. The Program: Our future success depends on the innovation and fresh ideas students bring to HP, Inc. We are hiring students with a diverse set of skills and experiences to join us, across the different organizations that make us HP, inc. Our intern program is intended to enhance your overall learning experience, give you an opportunity to make an impact, have some fun, and meet great people along the way. Join us for a 12-week paid summer internship designed to let you apply your classroom learnings to real world challenges. Our internships have a thoughtful balance of networking, executive speakers, community involvement, big meaty projects (no paper filing here!) and fun! The Team: Workforce Solutions is a global business unit of HP Inc. that helps organizations use technology to improve their employee experience, productivity and global footprint. Given HP's innovative and comprehensive portfolio of PCs, printers, and collaboration gear, HP Workforce Solutions (HPWS) is used by millions worldwide to solve customer problems \u201con the edge,\u201d often proactively, through AI-enabled software and services. HPWS offers software and services to partners and end users at every stage of the device lifecycle: Workforce Experience Platform - dashboard of software for ITDMs to manage their fleets; managed and professional services to help companies monitor their enterprise technology; and customer support from configuration to repair to refurbishment and recycling. Overall, HP can help partners and customers from start to finish of their technology journey. Areas of Skill: Software Design Skill Areas: Software/Solution design, architecture and development, systems engineering, systems integration, Cloud, Data Analytics, security, AI, computer architecture, IOT. Introductory knowledge of UI/UX design principles and some familiarity with design tools like Figma. Interest in AI/ML technologies and a desire to learn how they can be applied in design. Basic exposure to programming languages such as JavaScript/TypeScript or Python through coursework or personal projects. Data Scientist AI, NLP, Bot creation, Python, Sharepoint, Excel, PowerBI/PowerAutomate,, Data scientist with knowledge on statistical modeling, AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, Python, Generative AI Responsibilities: As a Software Engineer Intern, you will work with a team within Workforce Solutions on projects to: Document and test new software applications Assess of new application ideas Enhance products and create new product design Develop applications (coding, programming) Ensure quality and performance assurance Education and Experience Required: 3rd Year of University completed or 1st year of Masters completed--typically a technical degree specialization. Able to obtain work authorization in the United States in 2026, and not require sponsorship in the future. Preferred Majors: Bachelor's or Master's Degree with a focus on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related technical field We are looking for visionaries who are ready to make an impact on the way the world works. At HP, the future is yours to create. Thanks for taking the time to review our job, if you think it is a match to your knowledge and interests please apply today\u2014 we are eager to learn more about you. HP is an equal opportunity employer: https://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c08129225 The pay range for this position is $31 to $37 per hour (applies to US candidates only). Pay varies by work location, job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Benefits: Review HP US benefits: https://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c07065756 HP offers a comprehensive benefits package for this position, including: Health insurance Dental insurance Vision insurance Long term/short term disability insurance Employee assistance program Flexible spending account Life insurance Generous time off policies, including; 4-12 weeks fully paid parental leave based on tenure 13 paid holidays 15 days paid time off (US benefits overview) The compensation and benefits information is accurate as of the date of this posting. The Company reserves the right to modify this information at any time, with or without notice, subject to applicable law. Explore HP LI-POST Job - Administration Schedule - Full time Shift - No shift premium (United States of America) Travel - Relocation - Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO) \\- HP, Inc. provides equal employment opportunity to all employees and prospective employees, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, sexual orientation, age, disability, or status as a protected veteran, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, pregnancy, genetic predisposition or carrier status, uniformed service status, political affiliation or any other characteristic protected by applicable national, federal, state, and local law(s). Please be assured that you will not be subject to any adverse treatment if you choose to disclose the information requested. This information is provided voluntarily. The information obtained will be kept in strict confidence. If you'd like more information about HP's EEO Policy or your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please click here: Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law - Supplement", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/24815897", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26950908, "name": "Principal Software Engineer", "location": "Singapore, South West, Singapore", "locations": ["Singapore, South West, Singapore"], "hot": 0, "department": "Software", "business_unit": "Software Applications", "t_update": 1737590400, "t_create": 1737590400, "ats_job_id": "3145438", "display_job_id": "3145438", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3145438-fr-CA", "job_description": "Oversees the software application development projects across multiple teams. Accurately determines, assigns, tracks, and manages project tasks, activities, documentation, and time information to ensure project success. Develops organization-wide architectures and methodologies for software applications design and development across multiple platforms and organizations within the global business unit. Identifies and evaluates new technologies, innovations, and outsourced development partner relationships for alignment with technology roadmap and business value; creates plans for integration and update into architecture. Reviews and evaluates designs and project activities for compliance with development guidelines and standards; provides tangible feedback to improve product quality and mitigate failure risk. Provides cross-functional leadership and communicates technical infrastructures and application development strategies effectively. Manages resources to complete programming projects, and designs detailed plans to ensure applications are functioning properly. Contributes towards engineering best practices, including security, quality, and operational excellence; drives projects to improve practices continuously for the benefit of the organization. Leverages recognized domain expertise, business acumen, and experience to influence decisions of executive business leadership, outsourced development partners, and industry standards groups. Provides guidance and mentoring to less-experienced staff members to set an example of software applications design and development innovation and excellence. Impacts large functions and leads large, cross-division functional teams or projects. Complexity Provides highly innovative solutions to complex problems within established policy. Disclaimer This job description describes the general nature and level of work performed in this role. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties, skills, responsibilities, knowledge, etc. These may be subject to change and additional functions may be assigned as needed by management. This serves as a guiding principle for delivering on our corporate vision - to create technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere LI-POST Job - Software Schedule - Full time Four-year or Graduate Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or any other related discipline or commensurate work experience or demonstrated competence. Typically has 10+ years of work experience, preferably in applications engineering, programming, or a related field. Programming Language/s Certification (Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, or similar) Agile Methodology Amazon Web Services Angular (Web Framework) Application Programming Interface (API) Automation Computer Science DevOps Docker (Software) Full Stack Development Java (Programming Language) JavaScript (Programming Language) Kubernetes Microservices Microsoft Azure Python (Programming Language) React.js Scalability Software Development Software Engineering SQL (Programming Language) Effective Communication Results Orientation Learning Agility Digital Fluency Customer Centricity", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/26950908", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24773933, "name": "Personal Systems Software Engineer Internship", "location": "Spring, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Spring, Texas, United States of America", "Palo Alto, California, United States of America", "Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America", "Austin, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 1, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1724803200, "t_create": 1724803200, "ats_job_id": "3141362", "display_job_id": "3141362", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3141362-fr-CA", "job_description": "Advancing leadership in Computing is our first pillar The Pandemic made PC's essential. We create: laptops, desktops, business PCs, Gaming PCs, Chromebooks, Education-specific PCs, Creator-specific PCs, and Workstations Our second pillar is Creating leadership in Peripherals Peripherals are your monitors, docks, webcams, keyboards, and mice . Let's face it, the most immersive experiences come through things we see, hear, touch. AND People refresh THEIR peripherals 5x faster AND MORE OFTEN than their notebooks. You may have heard we acquired HyperX, WHERE WE DEVELOP HIGH QUALITY GAMING GEAR FOR ALL TYPES OF GAMERS and WE HAVE ALSO ACQUIRED Poly, WHICH ALLOWS US TO PROVIDE RAZOR-SHARP 4K VIDEO FOR THE ULTIMATE MEETING EXPERIENCES AND OUR 3RD PILLAR IS Expanding Digital Services More hybrid workforce and more time spent on digital platforms gaming, shopping, connecting = more need for services. Can help them tackle the pain points of a remote workforce - onboarding, productivity, remote computing - we acquired Teradici. All OF THIS IS Supported by Security and Sustainability As a Software Engineer Intern, you will work with a team within Personal Systems on projects to: Document and test new software applications Assess of new application ideas Enhance products and create new product design Develop applications (coding, programming) Ensure quality and performance assurance PC + Peripherals + Services = Full Ecosystem Experiences. Big goal = Lead in Hybrid Work and Gaming. 3rd Year of University completed, 1st year of Masters completed or PhD candidate--typically a technical degree specialization. Able to obtain work authorization in the United States in 2026, and not require sponsorship in the future. Bachelor's, Master's or PhD Degree with a focus on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity or related technical field.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/24773933", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26027278, "name": "Manufacturing Test Engineering Manager (Hanoi, Vietnam-Based)", "location": "Hanoi, H\u00e0 N\u1ed9i, Vietnam", "locations": ["Hanoi, H\u00e0 N\u1ed9i, Vietnam"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Quality Engineering", "t_update": 1731888000, "t_create": 1731888000, "ats_job_id": "3142529", "display_job_id": "3142529", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3142529-fr-CA", "job_description": "Responsibilities include creating hardware and software for test equipment throughout the product's life cycle, from introduction (NPI) to end of service (EOS). Develop video, acoustical, and electrical test systems for new products within a formal product development framework. Initiate and carry out Test Capacity Planning as well as Budgeting Planning for test equipment, including spare parts and maintenance. Collaborate with vendors, machine manufacturers, and suppliers to create and produce testing equipment. Oversee the procurement process, from Request for Quotation (RFQ) to Purchase Requisition (PR), Purchase Order (PO), delivery, and payment. Work closely with cross-functional teams such as product design engineering, Hardware Engineering (HW), Electrical Engineering (EE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Software Engineering (SW), Hardware Quality Assurance (HQA), Software Quality Assurance (SQA), Product Management (PM), and Program Manager Organization (PMO) to establish manufacturing test requirements encompassing product configuration and hardware/software functionalities. Coordinate directly with product design engineering teams, as well as Hardware Engineering team/HW, Electrical Engineering/EE, Mechanical Engineering/ME and Software Engineering team/SW, Audio Engineering, and Camera Engineering in the design and development of new products. Engage with product management, inventory, and logistics teams to support customer needs in terms of product system configuration changes, verification, and testing bundled product systems. Monitor, audit, and improve manufacturing performance at the factory, reporting valid information to the operations management team. The duties will entail designing and debugging both digital and analog systems and performing hardware engineering work in product design, analysis, debugging, or manufacturing, including third-party design support. Design, develop, modify, and implement cost-effective methods for testing and troubleshooting audio and video systems and equipment. Execute design trade-offs, schematic entry, part selection, BOM generation, specification drafting, test procedures, debugging, testing, design reviews, and Design Validation Testing of various video and audio systems. Develop test infrastructure, networking systems, DHCP servers, HTTP/WEB servers, FTP servers, NAS, NFS, etc. Install, set up, and maintain the TLS/SSL Key Certificate network system and its infrastructure. Verify analog and logic circuit functions, collaborate on detailed electrical and physical design, perform simulations, conduct design reviews and laboratory tests on new and existing Test Systems. Contribute to and advance all aspects of electrical design projects, including prototypes and mass production of audio and video systems. Innovate creative solutions to technical challenges related to this function. Take part in periodic design reviews and pilot builds. Document intellectual property developments. Collaborate with Mechanical and Hardware engineers to incorporate testability into new product designs and develop fixtures and custom PCBs to aid in automated testing. Monitor production and repair processes, performing failure analysis and troubleshooting RF, digital, and analog product yield problems down to the component level. Guide the failure analysis process and recommend subsequent steps. Actively engage in technical process improvement activities. Demonstrate strong accountability for completing assigned tasks and deliverables on time and effectively contribute to team planning. Encourage frequent communication within the team and throughout the organization to ensure dissemination of significant information and lessons learned. Participate in PCB Lay-Out Design, including placement and routing planning from scratch, multilayer board construction (layer stack-up) definition, generation of new library components, Design for Manufacturability, and creating manufacturing documentation and specifications for PCBs. Bachelor's or master's degree in engineering. Electrical, Electronics, Mechatronics. 10+ years of experience in test development, manufacturing process, project management, procurement process, hands on experience with Engineering Change (EC) processes, Bill of Materials/BOM structure, new product introduction processes. Experience in Schematic diagram, PCB Layout and New Product Development. Experience in developing video product, voice product, camera product and test equipment methodologies for manufacturing test. Experience in TCP/IP networking, digital and analog, video, audio, camera and telephony protocols. Experience in wireless product development, Bluetooth, WIFI and DECT. Experience in developing Oracle VM, Linux OS for the test infrastructure, networking system, DHCP server, HTTP/WEB server, FTP server, Network Attached Storage/NAS system, Network File System/NFS system, etc. for product testing. Experience using Subversion/SVN for saving of software. Experience using OPENSSL for the TLS certificate testing. Experience in product troubleshooting, tester troubleshooting, driving the failure analysis. Experience using ERP applications such SAP, Agile, Confluence, Oracle. Understanding DSP operations and principles with experience in dealing with voice and/ or audio signal processing techniques. Strong knowledge of manufacturing files and documentation generation. Strong knowledge of electrical engineering principles and design. Strong software/firmware development skills, embedded systems programming to interface with smart instruments and integrating multiple technologies to enable test automation. Strong knowledge in NI's hardware and software both LabVIEW and Teststand. Strong knowledge of test software platform (C++, Python, etc.). Must have hands on laboratory experience (test, optimize, verify performance of designs and their components). Strong knowledge of Statistical Software such Minitab or JMP for data analysis and experience in process management, utilizing six-sigma tools, statistical tools, data interpretation. Strong knowledge of Software such OrCAD, Cadence, Altium or Mentor graphics and electrical simulation software. Proficient with MATLAB or equivalent mathematical simulator. 90% English Spoken and Written. Strong knowledge of MS Office.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/26027278", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 538, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 0, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 4.0, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "Software Engineering", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "20859831", "Your Relevant Skills": [], "Job Category": [], "Seniority": [], "Workstyle": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": null, "facetDisplaySort": {"Your Relevant Skills": "count_desc", "Job Category": "count_desc", "Seniority": "count_desc", "Workstyle": 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