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So are we. We love taking on tough challenges, disrupting the status quo, and creating what\u2019s next. We\u2019re in search of talented people who are inspired by big challenges, driven to learn and grow, and dedicated to making a meaningful difference.</p><p>HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world united in creating technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere.</p><p>Our history: HP\u2019s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion \u2013 it\u2019s just who we are. From the boardroom to factory floor, we create a culture where everyone is respected and where people can be themselves, while being a part of something bigger than themselves. We celebrate the notion that you can belong at HP and bring your authentic self to work each and every day. When you do that, you\u2019re more innovative and that helps grow our bottom line. Come to HP and thrive!</p>"}, "customContent": {"positionSections": [{"title": "About HP", "body": "<p>You\u2019re out to reimagine and reinvent what\u2019s possible\u2014in your career as well as the world around you. So are we. We love taking on tough challenges, disrupting the status quo, and creating what\u2019s next. We\u2019re in search of talented people who are inspired by big challenges, driven to learn and grow, and dedicated to making a meaningful difference.</p><p>HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world united in creating technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere.</p><p>Our history: HP\u2019s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion \u2013 it\u2019s just who we are. From the boardroom to factory floor, we create a culture where everyone is respected and where people can be themselves, while being a part of something bigger than themselves. We celebrate the notion that you can belong at HP and bring your authentic self to work each and every day. When you do that, you\u2019re more innovative and that helps grow our bottom line. Come to HP and thrive!</p>"}]}, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "companyName": "HP", "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": false, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 26058466, "name": "Internship in Customer Relation", "location": "Barueri, S\u00e3o Paulo, Brazil", "locations": ["Barueri, S\u00e3o Paulo, Brazil"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1732147200, "t_create": 1732147200, "ats_job_id": "3144242", "display_job_id": "3144242", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3144242-fr-CA", "job_description": "Responsible for maintains positive customer relationships, data analysis and reports. Contributes to process improvements to ensure customer satisfaction and retention. Analyze the current process Collaborate with cross-functional teams to facilitate efficient issue resolution Maintain relationship with Vendors and channel partners, ensuring collaboration and effective communication to meet customer needs. Maintain detailed record, support activities and issue resolution Enchances customer-centricity Excellent problem-solving ability, good at negotiation and soft skills, confident telephone manner. Customer-service minded approach, Fulfill commitments to customers Good listener, eager to learn and improve, be proactive and well organized. Able to work under pressure and maintain composure in difficult situations Demonstrate common sense, sense of urgency and creativity Can work largely unsupervised in a Virtual environment Customer Support SAP Applications Enrolled at the University in one of the following courses: Business Administration, Law, Computer Science, Engineering or related areas. Spanish - Proficient", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/26058466", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25922860, "name": "Process Modeling Internship", "location": "Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, Spain", "locations": ["Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, Spain"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1730419200, "t_create": 1730419200, "ats_job_id": "UNI2462", "display_job_id": "UNI2462", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "UNI2462-fr-CA", "job_description": "Working collaboratively with the Sales Organization, Business Management, Service, and many other key stake holders, they are supposed to drive operational excellence, customer experience and manage business continuity risks. Using SAP Signavio tool, support the Industrial Print WW Sales Operations to document their current processes and propose improvements when applicable Support the implementation of SAP Signavio within all Industrial Print Sales Operations teams. Define Business Process Management training material focused on Sales Operations processes. Currently pursuing a degree in Engineering, Business, or a related field. Basic understanding of Business Process Management methodologies (Signavio, BPM standards, MS Visio, Quality Management). Familiarity with financial software systems and tools commonly used in multinationals (e.g., SAP, S4). Proficiency in business application skills (Excel and PowerPoint). Strong analytical skills with the ability to think critically and solve problems. Excellent communication and presentation skills. Ability to work effectively in a team environment. Proactive and self-motivated with a strong desire to learn and grow. Analytical and critical thinking Teamwork and collaboration Proactive approach to tasks Strong communication and presentation skills You will be able to choose to either work office-based or hybrid work style. Flexible schedule for part time (4h/day) or full time (8h/day) for a 6 to12 months agreement. Lunch in the cafeteria. Love sports? Then take advantage of our sports center (indoor and outdoor); gym, squash courts, tennis courts, basketball courts and with 25+ regular coordinated activities / sports \u200b, such as HIIT training, squash, basketball and yoga. A Young employee Network (YEN) which host fun events on a regular basis, such as \u201cbeer bust\u201d Fridays at different venues including the beach in the summertime. We have an onsite Doctor and medical team for our employees, including services such as: nutrition, physiotherapy and general health. Free printing Happy hour - from photographs to large posters. And Hands-on workshops to print with the latest technology - from wall covers to 3D printed models.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/25922860", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25597144, "name": "Engineering Internship", "location": "Sant Cugat del Valle, Spain", "locations": ["Sant Cugat del Valle, Spain"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1728950400, "t_create": 1728950400, "ats_job_id": "3139307", "display_job_id": "3139307", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3139307-fr-CA", "job_description": "Develop and implement computer vision algorithms to inspect parts quality. Integrate the vision system with existing manufacturing processes. Test and validate the system to ensure reliable performance. Collaborate with the engineering team to optimize the solution. Document the development process and provide regular updates. Currently enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's program in Industrial, Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering. Strong programming skills in Python and Yolo libraries, C++, or a similar language. Experience with computer vision libraries such as OpenCV, TensorFlow, or similar. Knowledge of machine learning and image processing techniques. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Previous experience with industrial automation or quality control systems. Strong communication skills and the ability to document technical work. You will be able to choose to either work office-based or hybrid work style. Flexible schedule for part time (4h/day) or full time (8h/day) for a 6 to12 months agreement. Lunch in the cafeteria. Love sports? Then take advantage of our sports center (indoor and outdoor); gym, squash courts, tennis courts, basketball courts and with 25+ regular coordinated activities / sports \u200b, such as HIIT training, squash, basketball and yoga. A Young employee Network (YEN) which host fun events on a regular basis, such as \u201cbeer bust\u201d Fridays at different venues including the beach in the summertime. We have an onsite Doctor and medical team for our employees, including services such as: nutrition, physiotherapy and general health. Free printing Happy hour - from photographs to large posters. And Hands-on workshops to print with the latest technology - from wall covers to 3D printed models.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/25597144", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25173099, "name": "Personal Systems AI/Machine Learning Internship", "location": "Spring, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Spring, Texas, United States of America", "Vancouver, Washington, United States of America", "Palo Alto, California, United States of America", "Boise, Idaho, United States of America", "Austin, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1726704000, "t_create": 1726704000, "ats_job_id": "3142200", "display_job_id": "3142200", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3142200-fr-CA", "job_description": "As a Personal Systems Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Intern, you will work with a team within Personal Systems on projects to: ### Document and test new software applications focusing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ### Assess of new application ideas into Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning domain ### Enhance products and create new product design. ### Develop applications (coding, programming) ### Ensure quality and performance assurance. ### Participate in cutting-edge research in deep learning. ### Generate data and fine-tuning models to improve performance in specific metrics. ### Identify unique AI solutions geared towards Gaming Ecosystem ### Apply data analysis techniques to balance class distributions, remove outliers, reduce noise to accomplish a supervised trained AI model. ### Generative AI in the edge ### Test and optimize fine-tuned small language models (SLMs) on laptops and workstations running Windows PCs. ### Assess the user experience of AI models on edge devices. ### Agentic AI Experience: large multimodal model compression and acceleration, conversational interface, retrieval augmented generation (RAG), visual and spatial understanding Currently enrolled in a University degree: 3rd Year of Bachelors completed, 1st year of Masters completed or PhD candidate-typically a technical degree specialization. Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science. ### Have some experience with programming languages like Python, Java, C/C++ or C#. ### Have some experience with some AI Models like: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forests, etc. ### Some experience with tools like: Tableau, GitHub, Jupyter Notebook ### Experience with one or more deep learning frameworks (Caffe, Caffe2, PyTorch, Tensorflow) ### Good technical judgment and initiative, critical thinking ### Demonstrated ability to work effectively as a member of a team ### Solution Oriented, Out of the box thinking, Customer Centric. ### Great teamwork, self starter, creative problem solver. We are looking for visionaries who are ready to make an impact on the way the world works. Thanks for taking the time to review our job, if you think it is a match to your knowledge and interests please apply today\u2014 we are eager to learn more about you.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/25173099", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24960344, "name": "Internship - Business Administration", "location": "Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, Mexico", "locations": ["Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, Mexico"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1726099200, "t_create": 1726099200, "ats_job_id": "3141717", "display_job_id": "3141717", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3141717-fr-CA", "job_description": "As a Financial Analyst Intern, you will work with a team to: Provide financial analysis for a function or business. Perform data extraction and analyzes data to make recommendations. Handle financial business issues. Provide analytics to business initiatives. Assist in analyzing and mapping our current supply chain processes using the SCOR model framework Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including planning, procurement, production, logistics, returns, customer service, and operations to gather data and insights for process optimization Support the implementation of supply chain improvement initiatives, such as inventory management, demand planning, and order fulfillment Currently enrolled in a four-year college and graduating with a bachelor degree between December 2025 and June 2026. Finance, Logistic, Marketing, Human Resources, Business Administration or a related technical field. Basic understanding of accounting processes. Basic analytical skills. Good business application skills (e.g., Microsoft Office suite). Good communication skills. Good teamwork skills. Good critical thinking and problem-solving skills.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/24960344", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 23953017, "name": "Cloud Software Developer Internship", "location": "Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, Spain", "locations": ["Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, Spain"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1724976000, "t_create": 1724976000, "ats_job_id": "3139391", "display_job_id": "3139391", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3139391-fr-CA", "job_description": "Do you have a thoughtful idea with the power to change the world? If so, we want you onboard! Keep reading to know how you can be part of this community and become one of our innovators: Fourth-year student, as well as master's, currently enrolled in a computer engineering bachelor. Academic agreement is required. Tools needed: Knowledge of Golang, Ruby, or Python. Blockchain & NFT knowledge is a plus. Strong Computer Science and development fundamentals, including object-oriented design and data structures. Knowledge about Cloud Computing Architecture, DB, Networking protocols. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Proactive and eager to learn person. Fluent in English. You will be able to choose to either work office-based or hybrid work style. Flexible schedule for part time (4h/day) or full time (8h/day) for a 6 to12 months agreement. Lunch in the cafeteria. Love sports? Then take advantage of our sports center (indoor and outdoor); gym, squash courts, tennis courts, basketball courts and with 25+ regular coordinated activities / sports \u200b, such as HIIT training, squash, basketball and yoga. A Young employee Network (YEN) which host fun events on a regular basis, such as \u201cbeer bust\u201d Fridays at different venues including the beach in the summertime. We have an onsite Doctor and medical team for our employees, including services such as: nutrition, physiotherapy and general health. Free printing Happy hour - from photographs to large posters. And Hands-on workshops to print with the latest technology - from wall covers to 3D printed models. The internship cloud solutions developer will join an LFP R&D Innovation Team with the responsibility of developing infrastructure for our cloud solutions. It includes automation systems, internal web-based systems for device simulation as well as development in the final customer solution. You will work using agile methodologies mainly developing backend systems in GoLang based on AWS infrastructure. We are looking for strong technological background candidates with an open and creative mindset, technology enthusiasts and demonstrated experience on the topics covered by this job description. He/she will also partner with other development team members from multiple teams. Must possess interpersonal and communication skills to co-ordinate with the different sections involved.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/23953017", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24815897, "name": "Software Internship -Workforce Services and Solutions", "location": "Spring, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Spring, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1724976000, "t_create": 1724976000, "ats_job_id": "3141434", "display_job_id": "3141434", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3141434-fr-CA", "job_description": "Software Internship -Workforce Services and Solutions Description - The following posting is a pipeline requisition, meant to accumulate candidates for 2025 Summer Internships. Qualified applicants will be contacted in concert with the approval and publication of identical, approved positions within HP, Inc. This opportunity is intended for conversion to a full-time role that will not offer work authorization sponsorship in the future (full-time conversion pending performance evaluation post internship and available headcount). Interested candidates must be currently eligible to work in the US AND must not require work authorization sponsorship in the future. HP, Inc. will not provide any assistance or sign documentation in support of immigration sponsorship including Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Optional Practical Training (OPT). Candidates who identify with a group that is historically underrepresented in the technology sector including by not limited to, African American, Latino, Native American, individuals with disabilities and Veterans are encouraged to apply. About Us Innovation is in HP's DNA. From our origins in a Palo Alto garage in 1939, to our current position as one of the world's leading technology companies, HP has grown to become a leader in technology and corporate culture, inspiring innovators, and entrepreneurs around the globe. HP brings together a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, and services to serve more than 1 billion customers in over 170 countries. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace that attracts exceptional talent and to supporting our employees to succeed at all levels. We dream in over 35 languages and share one mission: to engineer experiences that amaze. The Program: Our future success depends on the innovation and fresh ideas students bring to HP, Inc. We are hiring students with a diverse set of skills and experiences to join us, across the different organizations that make us HP, inc. Our intern program is intended to enhance your overall learning experience, give you an opportunity to make an impact, have some fun, and meet great people along the way. Join us for a 12-week paid summer internship designed to let you apply your classroom learnings to real world challenges. Our internships have a thoughtful balance of networking, executive speakers, community involvement, big meaty projects (no paper filing here!) and fun! The Team: Workforce Solutions is a global business unit of HP Inc. that helps organizations use technology to improve their employee experience, productivity and global footprint. Given HP's innovative and comprehensive portfolio of PCs, printers, and collaboration gear, HP Workforce Solutions (HPWS) is used by millions worldwide to solve customer problems \u201con the edge,\u201d often proactively, through AI-enabled software and services. HPWS offers software and services to partners and end users at every stage of the device lifecycle: Workforce Experience Platform - dashboard of software for ITDMs to manage their fleets; managed and professional services to help companies monitor their enterprise technology; and customer support from configuration to repair to refurbishment and recycling. Overall, HP can help partners and customers from start to finish of their technology journey. Areas of Skill: Software Design Skill Areas: Software/Solution design, architecture and development, systems engineering, systems integration, Cloud, Data Analytics, security, AI, computer architecture, IOT. Introductory knowledge of UI/UX design principles and some familiarity with design tools like Figma. Interest in AI/ML technologies and a desire to learn how they can be applied in design. Basic exposure to programming languages such as JavaScript/TypeScript or Python through coursework or personal projects. Data Scientist AI, NLP, Bot creation, Python, Sharepoint, Excel, PowerBI/PowerAutomate,, Data scientist with knowledge on statistical modeling, AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, Python, Generative AI Responsibilities: As a Software Engineer Intern, you will work with a team within Workforce Solutions on projects to: Document and test new software applications Assess of new application ideas Enhance products and create new product design Develop applications (coding, programming) Ensure quality and performance assurance Education and Experience Required: 3rd Year of University completed or 1st year of Masters completed--typically a technical degree specialization. Able to obtain work authorization in the United States in 2026, and not require sponsorship in the future. Preferred Majors: Bachelor's or Master's Degree with a focus on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related technical field We are looking for visionaries who are ready to make an impact on the way the world works. At HP, the future is yours to create. Thanks for taking the time to review our job, if you think it is a match to your knowledge and interests please apply today\u2014 we are eager to learn more about you. HP is an equal opportunity employer: https://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c08129225 The pay range for this position is $31 to $37 per hour (applies to US candidates only). Pay varies by work location, job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Benefits: Review HP US benefits: https://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c07065756 HP offers a comprehensive benefits package for this position, including: Health insurance Dental insurance Vision insurance Long term/short term disability insurance Employee assistance program Flexible spending account Life insurance Generous time off policies, including; 4-12 weeks fully paid parental leave based on tenure 13 paid holidays 15 days paid time off (US benefits overview) The compensation and benefits information is accurate as of the date of this posting. The Company reserves the right to modify this information at any time, with or without notice, subject to applicable law. Explore HP LI-POST Job - Administration Schedule - Full time Shift - No shift premium (United States of America) Travel - Relocation - Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO) \\- HP, Inc. provides equal employment opportunity to all employees and prospective employees, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, sexual orientation, age, disability, or status as a protected veteran, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, pregnancy, genetic predisposition or carrier status, uniformed service status, political affiliation or any other characteristic protected by applicable national, federal, state, and local law(s). Please be assured that you will not be subject to any adverse treatment if you choose to disclose the information requested. This information is provided voluntarily. The information obtained will be kept in strict confidence. If you'd like more information about HP's EEO Policy or your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please click here: Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law - Supplement", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/24815897", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24815902, "name": "Workforce Services and Solutions Technical Internship", "location": "Spring, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Spring, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1724976000, "t_create": 1724976000, "ats_job_id": "3141435", "display_job_id": "3141435", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3141435-fr-CA", "job_description": "Workforce Services and Solutions Technical Internship Description - The following posting is a pipeline requisition, meant to accumulate candidates for 2025 Summer Internships. Qualified applicants will be contacted in concert with the approval and publication of identical, approved positions within HP, Inc. This opportunity is intended for conversion to a full-time role that will not offer work authorization sponsorship in the future (full-time conversion pending performance evaluation post internship and available headcount). Interested candidates must be currently eligible to work in the US AND must not require work authorization sponsorship in the future. HP, Inc. will not provide any assistance or sign documentation in support of immigration sponsorship including Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Optional Practical Training (OPT). Candidates who identify with a group that is historically underrepresented in the technology sector including by not limited to, African American, Latino, Native American, individuals with disabilities and Veterans are encouraged to apply. About Us Innovation is in HP's DNA. From our origins in a Palo Alto garage in 1939, to our current position as one of the world's leading technology companies, HP has grown to become a leader in technology and corporate culture, inspiring innovators, and entrepreneurs around the globe. HP brings together a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, and services to serve more than 1 billion customers in over 170 countries. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace that attracts exceptional talent and to supporting our employees to succeed at all levels. We dream in over 35 languages and share one mission: to engineer experiences that amaze. The Program: Our future success depends on the innovation and fresh ideas students bring to HP, Inc. We are hiring students with a diverse set of skills and experiences to join us, across the different organizations that make us HP, inc. Our intern program is intended to enhance your overall learning experience, give you an opportunity to make an impact, have some fun, and meet great people along the way. Join us for a 12-week paid summer internship designed to let you apply your classroom learnings to real world challenges. Our internships have a thoughtful balance of networking, executive speakers, community involvement, big meaty projects (no paper filing here!) and fun! The Team: Workforce Solutions is a global business unit of HP Inc. that helps organizations use technology to improve their employee experience, productivity and global footprint. Given HP's innovative and comprehensive portfolio of PCs, printers, and collaboration gear, HP Workforce Solutions (HPWS) is used by millions worldwide to solve customer problems \u201con the edge,\u201d often proactively, through AI-enabled software and services. HPWS offers software and services to partners and end users at every stage of the device lifecycle: Workforce Experience Platform - dashboard of software for ITDMs to manage their fleets; managed and professional services to help companies monitor their enterprise technology; and customer support from configuration to repair to refurbishment and recycling. Overall, HP can help partners and customers from start to finish of their technology journey. Education and Experience Required: 3rd Year of Bachelor's degree completed or 1st year of Master's program completed.--typically a technical degree specialization. Must be enrolled full time at an accredited university. Able to obtain work authorization in the United States in 2026, and not require sponsorship in the future. Preferred Majors/Programs: Electrical Engineer Computer Science Mechanical Engineering Preferred Knowledge and Skills: Project experience demonstrating strong analytical, modeling and research skills Strong executive-level presentation skills (storyboarding, development, and delivery) Demonstrable success in delivering results in a cross-functional team setting Ability to handle ambiguity and unstructured work situations Team player who supports others and leads executives and peers through logical reasoning and relationship development Strong public speaking and workshop/conversation-facilitation skills Demonstrated ability to shape and influence ideas and actions of others Working knowledge of MS PowerPoint and MS Excel We are looking for visionaries who are ready to make an impact on the way the world works. At HP, the future is yours to create. Thanks for taking the time to review our job, if you think it is a match to your knowledge and interests please apply today\u2014 we are eager to learn more about you. HP is an equal opportunity employer: https://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c08129225 The pay range for this position is $29 to $35 per hour (applies to US candidates only). Pay varies by work location, job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Benefits: Review HP US benefits: https://www8.hp.com/h20195/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c07065756 HP offers a comprehensive benefits package for this position, including: Health insurance Dental insurance Vision insurance Long term/short term disability insurance Employee assistance program Flexible spending account Life insurance Generous time off policies, including; 4-12 weeks fully paid parental leave based on tenure 13 paid holidays 15 days paid time off (US benefits overview) The compensation and benefits information is accurate as of the date of this posting. The Company reserves the right to modify this information at any time, with or without notice, subject to applicable law. Explore HP LI-POST Job - Administration Schedule - Full time Shift - No shift premium (United States of America) Travel - Relocation - Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO) \\- HP, Inc. provides equal employment opportunity to all employees and prospective employees, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, sexual orientation, age, disability, or status as a protected veteran, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, pregnancy, genetic predisposition or carrier status, uniformed service status, political affiliation or any other characteristic protected by applicable national, federal, state, and local law(s). Please be assured that you will not be subject to any adverse treatment if you choose to disclose the information requested. This information is provided voluntarily. The information obtained will be kept in strict confidence. If you'd like more information about HP's EEO Policy or your EEO rights as an applicant under the law, please click here: Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law - Supplement", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/24815902", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24815903, "name": "Supply Chain Engineering Internship", "location": "Spring, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Spring, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1724976000, "t_create": 1724976000, "ats_job_id": "3141440", "display_job_id": "3141440", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3141440-fr-CA", "job_description": "Environmental Engineer Software development, automation, and visualization tools (Power BI), Sustainability topics like: Sustainable materials, green house gas emissions, life cycle analysis, energy analysis, Project Management, MS Office, AI, Desk Research, Exposure to and Passion for Sustainability (Climate, Social Impact, Circularity, etc), Data management of all kinds. PowerBI, understanding of IT processes 3rd Year of Bachelor's degree completed or 1st year of Master's program completed.--typically a technical degree specialization. Must be enrolled full time at an accredited university. Able to obtain work authorization in the United States in 2026, and not require sponsorship in the future. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to apply the SCOR model to identify process gaps and propose solutions Proficient in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Teams and Sharepoint Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively with cross- functional teams Detail-oriented and organized, with the ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines Ability to work successfully in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Data Analytics, Data Sciences and Computer Science Advanced knowledge of Microsoft PowerBI, SQL and Access database a plus Knowledge of programming languages such as Python or others a plus Strong knowledge of Microsoft Knowledge of statistical analysis, and financial modeling Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel with experience in creating Pivot tables, VLOOKUP, macros Strong business acumen and technical knowledge within area of responsibility. Knowledge with programming languages (Python, other) Ability to work in virtual teams Be an agent of Management of Change Previous internships in a Supply Chain related function Assist in analyzing and mapping our current supply chain processes using the SCOR model framework Identify areas for improvement and propose recommendations to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction in the Sourcing and Logistics areas. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including planning, procurement, production, logistics, returns, customer service, and operations to gather data and insights for process optimization Support the implementation of supply chain improvement initiatives, such as inventory management, demand planning, and order fulfillment Conduct research on industry best practices and emerging trends in supply chain management to contribute to continuous improvement efforts Assist in data collection, analysis, and reporting to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) and track the progress of supply chain initiatives. Participate in meetings, workshops, and training sessions related to supply chain management and process improvement Designing a sustainability initiative independent or in conjunction with other business function, i.e., Packaging suppliers, Logistics/Transportations suppliers Identifying and implementing new, innovative quality control processes and procedures for component suppliers Conduct market research to propose and implement potential new technologies leading for supply chain optimization Apply analytics to develop data-driven solutions and financial/operational models to complex problems", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/24815903", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24907935, "name": "Supply Chain Business Internship", "location": "Spring, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Spring, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration", "business_unit": "College", "t_update": 1724976000, "t_create": 1724976000, "ats_job_id": "3141439", "display_job_id": "3141439", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "3141439-fr-CA", "job_description": "Assist in analyzing and mapping our current supply chain processes using the SCOR model framework Identify areas for improvement and propose recommendations to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction in the Sourcing and Logistics areas. 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Participate in meetings, workshops, and training sessions related to supply chain management and process improvement Designing a sustainability initiative independent or in conjunction with other business function, i.e., Packaging suppliers, Logistics/Transportations suppliers Identifying and implementing new, innovative quality control processes and procedures for component suppliers Conduct market research to propose and implement potential new technologies leading for supply chain optimization Apply analytics to develop data-driven solutions and financial/operational models to complex problems 3rd Year of Bachelor's degree completed or 1st year of Master's/MBA program completed.--typically a non- technical degree specialization. Must be enrolled full time at an accredited university. Able to obtain work authorization in the United States in 2026, and not require sponsorship in the future. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to apply the SCOR model to identify process gaps and propose solutions Proficient in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Teams and Sharepoint Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively with cross- functional teams Detail-oriented and organized, with the ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines Ability to work successfully in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. 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Knowledge with programming languages (Python, other) Ability to work in virtual teams Be an agent of Management of Change Previous internships in a Supply Chain related function", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://apply.hp.com/careers/job/24907935", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 67, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 0, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 4.0, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "internship", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "21206822", "Your Relevant Skills": [], "Job Category": [], "Seniority": ["graduate", "internship", "Apprenticeship"], "Workstyle": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], 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